The app is great but I have one quarrel with the MLB in general. Probably not the best place to post about it but not sure where to voice my opinion.
Having Joe Buck as the World Series announcer is just awful. Nothing against the man, but he doesnt seem to understand how to commentate about sports. He just waits until a lull in the action to rattle off unimportant stats and records or an attire of a specific player, instead of just calling the game. With so many talented announcers who actually do their homework about what the players are like during the year and have been doing an amazing job, why does the MLB continue to sign a contract with Fox that will but an under qualified announcer like Joe Buck on the biggest games in the sport.
I know many people who decided not to watch the WS because of his announcing. Maybe Im wrong but it has to be affecting ratings.
My two cents...
crupis about MLB, v9.5.3