OK after having this app on my device for many years. I see now major league baseball is begin the spam us with video to watch the replays after the game has been played. I dont understand majorly baseball now youre making enough money as it is and youre making a hell of a lot of money off this app charging outrages prices. Now the free version if you want to watch the video replays after the game we are bombarded right after another each video we watched the replay we have to see you stupid ad. Majorly baseball arent you annoying people enough as it is with the prices youre charging for tickets now you got a spam us with @&¥)( like this! Enough already please stop this contemptuous gouging all possible avenue of money from your fans. I had enough of this Im sick and tired of you taking money from us or wanting us to pay for /;;;, Little aspect of your stupid game. If this continues Im gonna throw this app off and Im not even going to bother watching any major-league baseball again Ive had enough of this destruction of the game based upon the big people wanting tos get every little ounce of money from the fans. Good luck with this app because youre going to need it because soon enough a lot of people are going to stop watching baseball because the way you guys are charging. You know the tactics of putting video ads so you can get even more revenue from that you had companies just because people dont want to spend money watching the replays on the paid version. Get a life major-league baseball because soon enough youre gonna be joining the devil in hell.
jladycutie about MLB, v9.3.2